18 July 2005

Tracy Has Slugs, We Have Beetles.

Okay. What I want to know is why bugs of this size actually need to inhabit my side of the planet. This little dude could do some serious damage to my panicking issues! Imagine the Panic Dance if this thing were to be alive still and ... and ... and flying. Yes yes, I know it's outside and I could just go inside. But honestly? I think I would have to go back outside armed with our tennis racket bug zapper thing, cans of whatever bug spray I could find, and ... and kill it. Or else I would know it is still out there to haunt me. ~shudder~ (I just want you to know. I did look at him through binoculars first to make SURE he wasn't moving before I got close with ruler and camera. I'm not a complete idiot!)


Anonymous said...

You should be glad that my kids don't put you through the torture that they put tracy through with various creepy, crawly & flying things!

Anonymous said...

Ok, the best thing about this post, for me, is that you put a ruler next to the horrid beetle thing.

You are grossed out by said horrid beetle thing, but yet you cared enough about your readers to place a scale-showing object next to it and then photograph it for us.

You rock. I don't get why you have to have horrid beetle things on your planet, though, and you have my sympathies. I don't get why my planet has poisonous snakes. Or why Missouri has huge enormous ants instead of regular sized ones.