06 September 2005


So Tracy was in town this past weekend. We were able to get together for a few hours on Sunday, and during that time I had a scarf that I so badly wanted fixed so I could start working on it again! (She is so batass; I did watch while she fixed it [in mere seconds...] and got the stitches on the needle correctly - woohoo!). Anyway, she was absolutely apalled at how I had my knitting! [Hey, let me explain!!] You see, when I'm working on everything at home, I have my project and yarn and needles all nicely spread out on the pool table. Nice and out of the way, but very easily accessible. Sounds perfect, right? Right. So, someone comes through and cleans the pool table off, and puts my knitting stuff in those cardboard flats that you buy a case of Coke or something in. So, to put that "safely" in my truck, I put the cardboard flats in a crate. In this picture, you're looking down on my knitting from the back door of my truck, so you're looking down on the back seat. Green blanket is Morgan's (the Black Lab - the back seat is his).

And so it goes. "Kalah!" [I cringe.] "What is this?!!" [Still cringing... "it's my knitting!"] "But what is THIS!? Oh, I MUST take a picture of this."

But if you see the post below, I'm really WANTING to organize my stuff. I think I found an old backpack that will work (for the time being) to transport knitting around - it's a small leather backpack. Will have to try it out and post a picture of THAT if I'm satisfied.

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